Adult Communication Difficulties
Many adults live with, or acquire communication difficulties. At icommunicate we cannot fix or cure many of these difficulties, but we can provide guidance and strategies to make communication easier. Our adult section has been divided into 4 categories:
Speech and Hearing
This section covers speech and hearing and focuses on voice problems, adult dysfluency (stammering), speech difficulties and hearing impairment. Click here to go to the Adult Speech and Hearing Section.
Adult Acquired Communication Delay and Disorder
Acquired and progressive disorders of communication can be devastating for all concerned. Whether the loss of communication is sudden from a stroke (CVA) or brain injury, or deteriorates slowly due to a progressive disease such as Parkinson’s disease, there is always a major impact on the life of the individual and those around them. Unfortunately, for many people in these circumstances communication will not return to a level it was prior to an accident or the development of a disease. However, there are many strategies and solutions that can make communication easier for individuals and their family. Click here to go the Adult Acquired Communication Difficulties Section.
Adults with Learning Difficulties
The rights of adults with learning difficulties have only been recognised in recent years and after many years of institutionalisation these individuals are able to live full lives and make choices for themselves. Many however, have major difficulties with communication which can have a big affect on their abilities to cope in social situations and/or allow them to make choices and express their needs. icommunicate provides a range of ideas and strategies with a focus on Total Communication. Click here to go to the Adult with learning Difficulties Section.
Assistive Technology (AAC)
In this section we touch on the use of assistive technology and lo-tech devices to facilitate communication. With the advent of new technology, this is becoming a major growth area for communication and communication difficulties. The use of assistive communication devices, both hi-tech and lo-tech, are very much part the icommunicate philosophy. This website is all about communication and a total communication environment. This means we focus on every modality that can be used to facilitate communication. Click here to go to the Adult Assistive Technology Section.