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Fatigue and Tiredness following Brain Injury

See our TBI Home Page for a full list of information about Brain Injury, and links to information and strategies relating to memory, attention, social skills, executive functioning, and improving communication.


Managing Fatigue following Traumatic Brain Injury

Fatigue and tiredness following brain injury are very common symptoms. If you do not manage your fatigue following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you will find it hard to reach any of your other rehab goals and your recovery will be slower. Fatigue management is foundation of successful rehab after a brain injury. A brain injury may cause you to need a lot more sleep and/or you may have a lot of difficulty getting back into a regular sleeping routine. There are a number of strategies to help with fatigue such as:


  • Have a set routine for sleeping at a certain time ever night
  • Avoid food or drinks such as coffee that are detrimental to sleep, especially  late at night
  • Schedule brain breaks during the day. This might include an afternoon nap
  • Avoid difficult tasks when you feel tired

For more information about communication difficulties, and ideas and strategies to help communication, see our Resources, or for specific fact-sheets about TBI and information and strategies for improving communication, memory and attention skills go to the Downloads Section.



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