Site Guide


Welcome to the icommunicate Guide

Here is a quick guide to our website which has many great features. I have tried to split things up into some logical sections. Take your time and look around the site and make use of the free resources.


The Adult and Child Sections

The Child Section

The Child Section covers Normal Communication Development and Communication Disorders. There is information to describe how your child’s speech and communication skills develop, the milestones, and what you can do to help your child develop their speech and language skills. I have also created a big section on Communication difficulties and disorders, which includes information on a wide range of speech and language difficulties, hearing impairment, and literacy difficulties. There is a large section dedicated to Autistic Spectrum Disorders, and our Special Needs section focuses on those children with special needs and learning difficulties.

All these sections link to the resource centre where you can find videos, downloads, information, ideas and strategies to help facilitate communication and run alongside speech therapy programs. Click here for the Child Section.


Child Speech and Language Development

For children with normally developing speech, language and communication skills, there is information, activites, games and programs to enhance these skills, and practical things parents can do every day to facilitate their childrens communication and learning. There is also a comprehensive set of milestones to measure your child’s progress. Click here for the Child Speech and Language Development.

Child Speech, Language, Literacy, and Hearing Disorders & Delays

Some children have a communication delay or a disorder that does not allow them to communicate effectively. This can very frustrating and have an impact on their learning and social interaction. This section covers speech, language and literacy difficulties, dyslexia, and disorders, and hearing impairment and deaf issues. Click here for the child speech, language, literacy, and hearing disorders and delays section.


Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children

The diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder appears to be increasing and many people have little or no knowledge about the condition.  The autism section contains information, strategies and activities that can be used with autistic children to facilitate and improve communication and behaviour. Click here for the Autism Spectrum Disorder in children section.


Children with Special Needs & Learning Difficulties

The Special Needs section will focus on children that have more complex difficulties with many aspects of communication. This section also has a heavy emphasis on the Total Communication approach which tries to find any and every way possible to enhance communication using a range on communicative tools. Click here for the children with Special Needs and Learning Difficulties.



The Adult Section

Our Adult Section covers speech and hearing difficulties among the adult population, acquired difficulties such as stroke, brain injury and neurological diseases. We will also have a section dedicated to adults with learning difficulties. Again, all these sections will link to the Resource Centre where you can find videos, downloads, information, ideas and strategies to help facilitate communication and run alongside speech therapy programs. Click here to go to the Adult Section.


Adult Speech & Hearing Difficulties

This section covers speech and hearing and we focus on all communication difficulties in these areas including voice problems, adult dyfluency (stammering), speech difficulties and hearing impairment. Click here to go to the Adult Speech and Hearing section.

Adult Acquired Communication Difficulties (Stroke, Brain Injury, Neurological)

Acquired and progressive disorders of communication can be devastating for all concerned. Whether the loss of communication is sudden from a stroke (CVA) or brain injury, or deteriorates slowly due to a progressive disease such as Parkinson’s disease, there is always a major impact on the life of the individual and those around them. Unfortunately, for many people in these circumstances communication will not return to a level it was prior to an accident or the development of a disease. However, there are many strategies and solutions that can make communication easier for individuals and their family. Click here to go to the Adult Acquired Section.


Adult Learning Disabilities (Learning Difficulties and Special Needs)

The rights of adults with learning difficulties have only been recognised in recent years and after many years of institutionalisation these individuals are able to live full lives and make choices for themselves. Many however, have major difficulties with communication which can have a big effect on their abilities to cope in social situations and/or allow them to make choices and express their needs. i-communicate provides a range of ideas and strategies with a focus on Total Communication. Click here to go to the Adult Learning Difficulties Section. Click here to go to the Adult Special Needs Section.


Assistive Communication / AAC

In this section we touch on the use of assistive technology and lo-tech devices to facilitate communication. With the advent of new technology, this is becoming a major growth area for communication and communication difficulties. The use of assistive communication devices, both hi-tech and lo-tech, are very much part the icommunicate philosophy. This website is all about communication and a total communication environment. This means we focus on every modality that can be used to facilitate communication. At icommunicate we plan to have a heavy focus on assistive communication and technology. Click here to go to the Assistive Communication Section.



The Resource Centre

The Resources Centre is broken down into several sections and provides users with many options to gain information and resources. Click here to go to the Resource Centre.


The Downloads Centre

Our downloads will provide you with free PDF downloads containing information, resources, tips and strategies to facilitate communication and communication disorders. Click here to go to the Download Centre.


Video Resources

We have videos containing tips and ideas to facilitate communication development, and communication disorders. To go to the Video Resources Section.


Speech Therapist / Pathologist Section

This section is for speech pathologists / therapists to share ideas, information and activities. Click here to go to the Speech Therapits/Pathologist Section.


Teacher Section

This section is for tecahers to share ideas, information and activities. Click here to go to the Teacher Section.



Our BookShop provides you with a wide variety of books at greatly reduced prices, and links to reputable online book-sellers around the world. Help yourself by getting information written by the professionals, and help the people you care for by learning more about their difficulties and the things you can do to help. Speech and Language Therapists / Pathologists – enhance your own skills and professional development by reading the latest titles in your field. Click here to visit the Bookshop.



Therapy Products

icommunicate as produced a number of programs and resources that you can use to enhance speech, language and communication. Click here to see our Therapy products.



ipad / Android Apps

ipad and android apps are now be used for communication and education. This section will highlight how to use ipad and android tablets and apps to promote communication and education. See the latest apps the app store.



Online Therapy Services

icommunicate offers a number of speech therapy services online. Click here to see our online therapy services.




Looking for a speech therapy jobs? If you are a speech and language therapist / pathologist looking for a job, check out our Careers Page.  This covers jobs all over the world. If you want to post a vacancy on our site, please Contact Us. Click here to see our Careers Section.



Accessibility Options

At icommunicate we want everyone to have the opportunity to access and learn from our site. That is why we have created a page relating to accessibility options. We will be looking at ways to enhance the accessability of our site, and may add some Access Keys if we think this is appropriate. We also want to inform you about many things that you can do on your Windows PC or Apple Mac to make access easier. Click here to see our Accessibility Options.



This section provides Web Links to numerous websites that provide information and contacts regarding communication. There are links to many organizations and non-profit groups that provide support networks for people in your area. We will continue to add to these web links as the site develops. If you would like to link with our site please contact us. Click here to see our links.


About Us

Meet the team and find out our vision for the future. Click here to read about Johan and his hopes for this site.




Can’t find what you are looking for? Use our Search option – the small box titled “Search” near the top right of the page.



Using our site and Terms and Conditions

For all information on our terms and conditions, etiquette when using the site, privacy policy, disclaimers etc go to the About Us section and check the menu down the left hand side of the page. Click here to see our Term and Conditions.


Advertising with Us

We want to encourage you to advertise with us. Advertising will help fund further developments on the site. Go to the Advertise With Us page to see our different packages and very competitive pricing structures. Click here to see our Advertising Options.



There are lots of features on the site, and lots more to come, so take some time to look around. Keep checking back because we will be updating the site and the resources continually.


One final note, although we offer lots of information about communication and communication difficulties, if you have concerns about your communication, or the communication of a friend or family member, we also recommend that you see your local speech and language therapist/pathologist for a consultation.

So, remember – at icommunicate, it’s all about communication. Communication information, programmes, resources, and sharing of ideas, so that everyone has the opportunity to be included, to make choices, to express their needs and feelings, to have independence, and to have a better quality of life.


Enjoy the site.

Johan Langfield.
Speech Therapist and founder of icommunicate

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